Efficiently keeping the books up to date is an important step towards meeting your compliance obligations, and staying on top of your business performance.
We can help you select the right accounting package for your business and assist with BAS preparation, management reports and keeping your data file up to date.
There is a lot to be considered, and we are happy to manage it all for you, reducing the daily grind and enabling you to stay focused on your business.
- Free Initial Consultation
- Free Quarterly Consultantions
- Free Monthly Consultations
- Quarterly Bookkeeping Service
- Monthly Bookkeeping Service
- Weekly Bookkeeping Service
- Filing
- Preparation of Quarterly BAS/IAS
- Preparation of Monthly BAS/IAS
- Entering of Income & Expense Transactions
- Bank Reconciliations
- Quarterly Reports
- Monthly Reports
- Liaise With Accountant
- Email & Phone Support
- EOFY Accountant Adjustments
- Preparation of Customer Invoices
- Entering & Processing Creditors & Reconciliations
- Debtors Management
- Creditor Payments
- Weekly, Fortnighly or Monthly Payroll Services (1-5 Employees)
- Weekly, Fortnighly or Monthly Payroll Services (6-20 Employees)
- Weekly, Fortnighly or Monthly Payroll Services (21 - 50 Employees)
- Weekly, Fortnighly or Monthly Payroll Services (51+ Employees) *
- Pay Wages
- Superannuation Reporting
- Pay Superannuation Contributions
- Wages & Superannuation Reconciliation
- Entering Monthly Stock Balances
- EOFY Payment Summaries & Lodge with ATO
Other charges may apply
- 0 - 100
Other charges may apply
- 0 - 300
Other charges may apply
- 0 - 700
Other charges may apply
- 0 - 1000
Prices inc GST. Software Subscriptions additional.
Additional Costs:
- Onsite – Travel Expenses
- Additional Bank Accounts
* Additional Employees (Payroll)
Business Setup Package
One off setup fee $440 (Inc GST)
- Create/Conversion to Accounting Software
- Chart of Account Setup
- Bank Feed Setup
- Customise Templates specfic to your business
- Setup Payroll (If Applicable)
- Setup Customers/Suppliers (If Applicable)
Other Services
Hourly Rate – $99/Hour
- Adhoc Advice
- Conversions
- Training
- Innovations
- Locum Services
- Bookkeeping Rescue

Ready to chat?
Call us anytime on (08) 9752 3222 or email admin@uhyhnprt.com.au and we can arrange to catch up, share a coffee and help you plan the next step!